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Hire managers who change the bottom line

Research says, management styles effect these nine business measures. Hire managers who change the bottom line Gallup tells us managers have the following impact Engagement matters to you, your organization’s success and your bottom line. Here are the results of high engagement vs low engagement workforces in nine business measures. When you read this, remember that managers cause engagement. · Customer ratings, up by 10% · Profitability, up to 22% more. · Productivity, though-put, 21% more. · Turnover (for high-turnover and low-turnover organizations), lower by 25% · Safety incidents, reduced by 48% · Shrinkage (theft), reduced by up to 28% · Absenteeism, sick days, down by 37% · Patient safety incidents, down 41% · Quality (defects), reduce by 41% How managers manage determines how much your workforce cares. These nine measures are directly linked to how managers deal with people. We call it “management,” but it becomes the level of respect and consideration managers have for their employees. Most people are motivated at time of hire. Sadly, that changes, for good or bad. Over time, how our employee group behaves is entirely the result of how managers manage them. Hire managers who respect other human beings and are willing to get results through them, not around them. Where you get hit Everywhere. If you don’t like your customer satisfaction ratings, look to your managers. If your production costs are too high, look to your managers. All output measures are caused by management. People who don’t care produce less, you don’t need a survey to figure that out. Absenteeism is the direct result of management. Stress doesn’t cause burnout and absenteeism, - dysfunctional and dishonest work relationships cause that. To recover, employees stress themselves out by going sky diving and river rafting, after which they feel better and go back to work to repeat the cycle. Lousy managers cause people stress which makes their healthy employees stay home. In our absenteeism management training we teach managers that two thirds of all sick days don’t include a sick person. All you need is one less than genuine manager and you too can cause healthy people to stay at home claiming to be sick. The same holds true for every other business measure. When you hire anyone who will be responsible for other people, verify their ability to manage. Domain skills, (knowing your business) are half the requirement. The other half is, - can they manage people?



- Gallup June 2013. Employee engagement affects key business outcomes.

- Written by Wolf Babbel, Partner, Metrik Management Inc. For more information, - For additional tools to evaluate management candidates ability to manage others successfully, please ask Metrik Management Inc. - Verify management capabilities before making your next hiring decision. We'll put research and thirty years of teaching and hiring managers to work for you. Metrik Management Inc., 3rd floor, 2227 St. John’s Street, Port Moody, B.C. V3H 2A2 Bus 604-931-6813 Email a partner: Additional. Behind Gallup’s numbers. In 2012, Gallup / using 263 research studies across 192 organizations in 49 industries and 34 countries. Within each study, Gallup researchers statistically calculated the work-unit-level relationship between employee engagement and performance outcomes that the organization supplied. Researchers studied 49,928 work units, including nearly 1.4 million employees. This eighth iteration of the meta-analysis further confirmed the well-established connection between employee engagement and nine performance outcomes.


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