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Wolf Babbel,

Sr. Partner

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The influencers, the leadership team

All companies are the collection of people around a common goal, lead by a group with varying capabilities. That upper one third of supervisors and managers determines what the entire organization will achieve. Selecting that one third determines everything else.


All search assignments are driven by management issues. Each step moves an organization ahead on some front. Search is driven by demand for outcomes, culture, sustainability, profits, efficiencies, brand or market dominance. At the heart of acquiring talent lies the organisations's thirst to advance it's goals. 


Twenty five years of management consulting, training and strategic corporate work.

  • Twenty five years of consulting to senior management on strategy, organizational design and productivity focus.

  • Eleven years on the national speaker’s circuit. Convention speaker for Canada’s biggest and best.

  • Sixteen years management training at Metrik’s Best Practices leadership seminars. From 100 to 200 managers attended each monthly event.

  • Executive headhunter and retained search, connecting people to outcomes.

  • President, Metrik Management Inc.


  • Work focus.
    Client work with a management component, defining departments and responsibilities.
    Building performance goals, helping management groups achieve outcomes, sourcing managers for operational roles.
    Acquiring talent to take organizations towards outcomes.



 “What’s measured improves.”

Peter Drucker


A history of building great companies.

A boutique, speciality agency engaged in organizational strength hiring. Aquiiring the best skills to move your company forward. Solving management issues through unique and capable people.

A history of Management Development in Western Canada


  • Change the world through people!
    Management consulting, productivity solutions, Metrik started 25 years ago as a new training and management consulting firm. Services includes management development and effectiveness consulting.  Our focus is to develop people, and productivity for clients in Western Canada. We build our portfolio one satisfied client at a time.

  • Management training and seminars
    Eventually larger companies and management groups sought our services. We brought years of keynote conferences and leadership training!  Our strength becomes management training and seminars for the convention speaker's circuit for almost 20 years.

  • Leadership Training.
    For a decade 200+ annual keynote engagements to clients in Canada and the USA, large and small management groups. Provided services for the biggest best companies in Canada. Our clients include Royal Bank, Petro Canada, BC Lottery Corp, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Ernst & Young, and a thousand others.

  • BPG, 16 years of public Vancouver based leadership training series
    Hundreds of managers, hundreds of seminars attended our seminars over the course of 16 yrs here in Vancouver at a variety of locations.  BPG Best Practices for Managers program. Regular leadership skills development series for middle and supervisory management. Solving problems of efficiency, retention, managing, productivity, recruiting, teamwork, employee engagement and more. In addition, the company provided HR Managers for onsite service, consulting, performance reviews, employee opinion surveys, psychometric traits and behavior testing, hiring, recruiting and extensive pre-hiring drill down capability.

  • Metrik Today, - Manager Selection and Search
    A history of management development and organizational structure supports our ability to select and find people you may not be able to access or even recognize as the people you need.
    We acquire talent for the middle and upper management band in Construction, Engineering, Equipment, Industrial and Healthcare.




“Before you drive the bus, - get the right people on the bus.”

Jim Collins,  author “Good to Great”

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